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Water Testing Basics

Water Testing Basics

For private well owners, basic testing for bacteria and nitrates is recommended by public health authorities, like the EPA or Health Canada, at least once a year. Other contaminants you may only need to test for once, such as hardness or iron, or infrequently, like radon.

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What’s New In Municipal UV

What’s New In Municipal UV

The first TrojanUV open-channel UV systems were installed in the mid-1980s. By the 1990s, UV systems had become mainstream and were widely adopted for wastewater treatment.

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Trojan Goes Purple To Shine The Light On Woman Abuse

Trojan Goes Purple To Shine The Light On Woman Abuse

During the month of November, homes, neighborhoods, businesses, cities, and counties are encouraged to ‘go purple’ to raise awareness of violence against women. The campaign was designed to support abused women in understanding that any shame and/or blame felt, does not belong to them but to the perpetrators of their abuse; and to raise the profile of the community agencies that can provide abused women with help as they attempt to live their lives free from violence and abuse.

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Featured Posts

Trojan Technologies to sell Salsnes Filter business

Salsnes Filter (Norway) to become a standalone entity. LONDON, ONTARIO – January 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/– Trojan Technologies today announced their plan to sell the Salsnes Filter business to current and former members of the Salsnes management team, with an anticipated...

Trojan Technologies Awarded EcoVadis Gold Medal for Sustainability

At Trojan Technologies we are extremely proud to have been recognized by EcoVadis for our commitment to sustainability and we are excited to announce that we have been awarded an EcoVadis Gold Medal for 2023. With a score of 71/100, we are in the 95th percentile,...