Andrew Daley from Trojan Technologies discusses UV AOP treatment.

Andrew Daley from Trojan Technologies discusses UV AOP treatment.
The City of Oceanside, located in Southern California, is like many cities in the region in that most of their drinking water is imported, traveling to the community from hundreds of miles away. Imported water is brought in from the Colorado River and the Bay Delta in...
Food and Beverage manufacturers are striving to meet more stringent quality standards. By treating liquid sugar (often referred to as sugar syrups) with ultra-violet light, producers can achieve their treatment goals without the risk of discoloring or changing the...
Recent advancements are making it more appealing for the dairy industry to replace heat pasteurization with UV treatment for their needs.
Our latest article about aquaculture water treatment explains how industry professionals can use UV to aid in hatcheries and other applications.
Even before COVID-19, Legionella had the distinction of being one of the leading water- borne disease agents in the USA, with reported cases growing more than 5-fold from 2000-2017 (CDC).
The IUVA believes UV can play a role in a multiple barrier approach to reducing the transmission of the virus causing COVID-19.
Based on interim guidance issued by the World Health Organization on March 19, 2020, there is currently no evidence about the survival of the COVID-19 virus in drinking water or sewage.
The London Chamber of Commerce has announced that Trojan Technologies will receive the 2020 Corporate Icon Award.
Stephen Bell, President of Trojan Technologies discusses the importance of strategic R & D and explains why the TrojanUVFlex is garnering interest from municipalities around the world.
This solids intensification technology enables more than quadrupling anaerobic treatment capacity within existing infrastructure. LONDON, ONTARIO, August 16, 2024 —Trojan Technologies is proud to announce that IntensiCarb™ has been honored with the prestigious...
The European Framework Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 is a major regulation governing the safety and quality standards of the food and beverage industry. It ensures that all food contact materials (FCM) are safe and compliant with European Union (EU) legislation. In this...
As we rapidly progress towards a more technologically dependent world backed by AI advancements, progressive medical devices, and automation, the demand for microelectronics has been increasing rapidly too. The unique nature of microelectronics fabrication processes...