In a ceremony on March 30th, 2017, Trojan Technologies Founder Hank Vander Laan was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from TechAlliance.

In a ceremony on March 30th, 2017, Trojan Technologies Founder Hank Vander Laan was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from TechAlliance.
After the completion of third-party validation testing under the National Water Research Institute (NWRI) Guidelines, the TrojanUVSigna® has received conditional acceptance from the California Water Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) Recycled Water Unit (RWU)....
Different labs may present the results of a water test a little differently, but one of the key results to look for is total coliform count.
Global water scarcity is expected to be a leading cause of regional and national political conflict in the future, the prognosis for India is no different.
Pima County realized that one of the biggest challenges with water reuse was not technological – instead it was public perception and the obvious yuck factor that goes along with water reuse. Their unique entry addressed this issue in a demonstrative way – with beer.
UV and Water Reuse Treatment These days, utilities are facing constant pressure to protect workers and the public from chemical hazards, while reducing costs and increasingly sustainability. How to do this though? Here are our answers to many of the frequently asked...
The Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) in Orange County, California is the largest indirect potable reuse project of its kind in the world, and the TrojanUVPhox plays an important role in the facility’s treatment train.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation light just beyond the visible spectrum. That’s a very important point because it’s outside the visible light spectrum. UV light is invisible to the naked eye. You can’t see it! A couple interesting points about UV...
In 2008 Trojan Technologies began a partnership with RES’EAU WaterNET, a research program focused on meeting clean water demands in small First Nations communities.
BlueTech Research, a premier global provider of water technology market intelligence, screened nearly 1,000 papers to be presented at WEFTEC 2016.
In this episode of Water Talk from Water Online, Andrew Daley from Trojan Technologies discusses UV AOP treatment. This treatment involves using UV light with an oxidant to treat water that has environmental contaminants. Contaminants that this method can treat...
The City of Oceanside, located in Southern California, is like many cities in the region in that most of their drinking water is imported, traveling to the community from hundreds of miles away. Imported water is brought in from the Colorado River and the Bay Delta in...
Food and Beverage manufacturers are striving to meet more stringent quality standards. By treating liquid sugar (often referred to as sugar syrups) with ultra-violet light, producers can achieve their treatment goals without the risk of discoloring or changing the...