The Six Nations of the Grand River has opened its new water treatment plant, which features the TrojanUVSwiftECT system. This system is treating water drawn from the Grand River, which receives the water of several municipal wastewater plants upstream of this plant’s water intake.
Product Brands
Illinois’ First Environmental Contaminant Treatment System
The Otter Lake Water Commission has installed our TrojanUVSwift®ECT – a technology which optimizes the treatment of environmental contaminants, particularly taste and odor-causing compounds found in surface waters. This is the first ECT installation and the first UV...
Trojan Technologies Receives Mitacs Award For Outstanding Leadership
Trojan Technologies was the recipient of the inaugural Mitacs Award for Outstanding Leadership this past November. The award was presented by London West Minister of Parliament and Minister of State (Science and Technology), Ed Holder, in Ottawa, Ontario. Mitacs is a...
Trojan Technologies A Clean50 Honouree
Trojan Technologies President, Marvin DeVries, was recently inducted as a Clean50 2015 Honouree for Trojan’s design, creation and manufacturing of products that improve sustainability.
Trojan Technologies Receives ASQ Quality Awards For Excellence
Trojan Technologies was recently honored to receive the ‘Gold Level’ award at the 2014 ASQ Quality Awards for Excellence.
Opening Of Coquitlam’s UV Treatment Facility
In the spring of 2010, Trojan was selected as the supplier of UV treatment equipment to the Coquitlam, British Columbia Water Treatment Plant (WTP) upgrade. The state-of-the-art, $100 million system was officially unveiled this past summer of 2014. The installation...
Trojan Technologies A Finalist For Hong Kong Canada Business Achievement Award
The Hong Kong Business Achievement Awards is a new initiative to recognize and showcase the success stories of outstanding business operations that are either conducting business and trade between Canada and Hong Kong, or using Hong Kong as the platform for doing...
Honorary Fanshawe College Diploma Bestowed To Hank Vanderlaan
In June of 2014, Hank Vander Laan, Founder of Trojan Technologies was honored by Fanshawe College with an Honorary Diploma.
World’s Largest Indirect Potable Reuse Facility Set To Expand
In early 2015 the District will begin operating the Initial Expansion of the GWRS. This $143 million project will expand water supplies by an additional 30 million gallons per day (MGD), bringing total treatment capacity to 100 MGD and number of TrojanUVPhox treatment trains to 13.
Dedication Ceremony For UV Advanced Oxidation System In Tucson, Arizona
Construction began on this 4,500 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility in September of 2012 and uses a TrojanUVPhox advanced oxidation system. The TrojanUVPhox uses the UV advanced oxidation process (UV AOP) to reduce a range of contaminants, even difficult-to-treat 1,4-dioxane and NDMA.
Featured Posts
COVID-19 & UV Inactivation
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many people around the world are asking if UV light can potentially play a role in helping to combat the spread of this virus. These questions are mainly associated with UV light’s ability to treat surfaces, equipment, and devices. The...
COVID-19 & Water
As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, questions about the virus’s potential transmission and/or persistence in drinking water and wastewater are being asked. The World Health Organization has issued guidance on water, sanitation and health care...
Trojan Technologies To Receive 2020 Corporate Icon Award
The London Chamber of Commerce’s Corporate Icon Award is presented to a corporation that has demonstrated particular excellence or achievement in business, making either an immediate impact on or a substantial long-term contribution to the economic progress of the...