Trojan Technologies is excited to be a part of the Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC), which features state-of-the-art wastewater facilities across Canada.

Trojan Technologies is excited to be a part of the Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC), which features state-of-the-art wastewater facilities across Canada.
Trojan Technologies was happy to be honored recently with an Economic Leadership Award from the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC).
In May 2014, Wichita Falls, Texas found itself under a stage-5 drought catastrophe ranking during the second worst drought in the city’s history. The lakes supplying water to the city were at less than 25% capacity, resulting in restrictions on outside irrigation and...
The Six Nations of the Grand River has opened its new water treatment plant, which features the TrojanUVSwiftECT system. This system is treating water drawn from the Grand River, which receives the water of several municipal wastewater plants upstream of this plant’s water intake.
The Otter Lake Water Commission has installed our TrojanUVSwift®ECT – a technology which optimizes the treatment of environmental contaminants, particularly taste and odor-causing compounds found in surface waters. This is the first ECT installation and the first UV...
Trojan Technologies was the recipient of the inaugural Mitacs Award for Outstanding Leadership this past November. The award was presented by London West Minister of Parliament and Minister of State (Science and Technology), Ed Holder, in Ottawa, Ontario. Mitacs is a...
Trojan Technologies President, Marvin DeVries, was recently inducted as a Clean50 2015 Honouree for Trojan’s design, creation and manufacturing of products that improve sustainability.
Trojan Technologies was recently honored to receive the ‘Gold Level’ award at the 2014 ASQ Quality Awards for Excellence.
In the spring of 2010, Trojan was selected as the supplier of UV treatment equipment to the Coquitlam, British Columbia Water Treatment Plant (WTP) upgrade. The state-of-the-art, $100 million system was officially unveiled this past summer of 2014. The installation...
The Hong Kong Business Achievement Awards is a new initiative to recognize and showcase the success stories of outstanding business operations that are either conducting business and trade between Canada and Hong Kong, or using Hong Kong as the platform for doing...
The aquaculture industry relies on the quality of water used to incubate fish eggs and rear juvenile fish. Water abundance and purity continue to decrease, while disease concerns found in source waters continues to increase. Aquaculture water treatment has remained a...
Even before COVID-19, Legionella had the distinction of being one of the leading water-borne disease agents in the USA, with reported cases growing more than five-fold from 2000-2017 (CDC). But now, as COVID-19 and stagnant water due to building closures collide, the...
Trojan Technologies has been investing in and committed to the ballast water treatment market since 2008. Unfortunately, due to regulatory delays and increasingly challenging market dynamics, our initial assessment of the opportunity has not been realized. Based on...